Ever heard your kids describe your Instagram as cringe? Your nephew says something is dope? Or had your babysitter say that a picture is mood? More than likely all of these individuals are between the ages of 12 - 23, in other words, part of what is known as Generation Z.
With every generation comes hip, new language and lingo that one either needs to understand or be deemed ‘old’! Like previous generations, Gen Z has their own playbook of terms, most as a result of growing up online especially on our mobile phones and constantly texting.
A word of caution using Gen Z slang can be a major ‘fail’, if it doesn’t fit with your company’s brand. For some businesses who don’t understand their consumers, using these terms in a social post in an attempt to make a superficial connection can easily backfire. The younger generation often will perceive that your brand is trying too hard to be cool, not authentic or just plain ridiculous. Similarly, it can be equally as bad when your own 50-year-old dad decides to say goals or uses the hashtag #mood!
To help you stay current in the new year, THINK GEN Z has created a glossary to help you navigate the fast-changing world of the common terms and popular lingo by our network of Gen Z’eders.

ADULTING - acting grown up
BASIC - mainstream, trendy
BARE – a lot (Toronto slang)
CRINGE – bad
DOPE - really cool
DRAKING - behaving emotionally
DANK – really good
EXTRA - over-the-top
FAIL - anything not a win
FAM – people you consider family
FIRE – something really good
GUCCI– good, chill or awesome
GLOW UP - from ugly to stunning
G.O.A.T. – greatest of all time
GHOST – ignore someone purposefully or never look at their Instagram
HMU – hit me up, hanging out texting
HYPEBEAST – someone who collects fancy clothing to impress others
IRL – in real life
ILY – I love you
JOKES or JKS – funny times
K - okay LIT – amazing, cool
LOW KEY - saying something that is secretive
MOOD – relatable, summing up one’s life
MOVE – big party
MOTIVE – frequent partying for snapchat stories
NAH – no
NVM – never mind ON FLEEK – looking perfect PEEPS – people or Think Gen Z’s co-founder! QUEEN – rocking life, beautiful girl ROAST – insult someone SALTY - rude, angry
SHOOK - shocked, amazed
SIS – close friend, sister in spirit
TEA – spill the gossip
TURNT – excited about an upcoming event
UNI – university
WDYM - what do you mean W.O.A.T. – worst of all time
YAASS - to express excitement
YEET – yes
Z’EDERS – Think Gen Z’s network!
Want to test your next social media post, marketing strategy or ad campaign with our network of Gen Z’eders? Contact THINK GEN Z, we can provide you with honest and authentic feedback to ensure that your company isn’t a FAIL!